Thu 02 Jan
The TOTAL PacKaGE! JusT wHaT u WaNT everYThinG U NeeD!!! DoNT WAIT aNy LoNgER!!!! - 24
(Atlanta, Atlanta/ Buckhead Upscale Incall)
§§§ simply Gorgeous SiMpLy Sexy :) (*)(*) Brunette Bombshell @FoxWoods nOw BeSt RaTeS | §§§ - 22
(Eastern Connecticut, OUT-CALLs /foxwoods)
🔥💥Smoking Hot🇮🇹 Italian Beauty🍭🍬 Sweeter Then Candy💋 Naughter Then Most🎉🎊 - 26
(Eastern Connecticut, Outcalls only)
Ummmmm• {I} •:*• ☆ ¨*:• {WANT} • :*★¨*: •{YOU}•: *¨•☆*:• {NOW}• Ask about my Specials - 23
(Eastern Connecticut, Groton incalls/outcalls to casino)
hOt TeMpTiNg BuStY AnD ReaDy For an EARLY mOrNiNg tReAt CuM HaVE BrEakFast ReAdY To Eat - 30
(sfv/woodlandhills/all the valley)
💥 New 💥 Sweet 💓 Sexy 💓 Young 💓 Asian 🔸 Girl ✿ Casino 🔹 In & Out ✿ - 22
(Eastern Connecticut, Mohegan Sun & Foxwoods (646-707-7286))
~*~THE ~*~REAL~*~ MS.BUNZ 4 FUN ~*~ CUM~*~TRY~*~ ME~*~OUT ~*~ 40Q ~ 60HH ~ 80H ~ 100BUNZ
(Atlanta /Buckhead)
Sexy ------ Hot ------ Sweet ----- Classy ------------- Asian Girls --- Call 732 ----- 762 ---- 1404 - 22
(New Haven, New Haven, Hartford, East Connecticut...)
TaSteFuL * TeMpTiNg * UpScALe * GFE ___ PlAyMAtE ___ 100% me ___ sWeEt & SeXXy - 25
LA * (s ____ ( ( B _ E _ S _ T ) ) ________FREAKY ____WITH ____ A __ BIG _______CHEST ____(GFE ) ___ - 20
♡♥♡♥♡♥ TEMPTATION is the INVITATION ♥♡♥♡ snowbunny w/ skillz 2 kill. - 23
(Atlanta, Peachtree ind Blvd Norcross)
@ TER REVIEWED @ HOT brunette 5-9 tall, slim & sexy with 34D's wants to please you LEGS 4 DAYS - 21
Take a VOW To End Mediocracy & Join this Exotic Beauty That Will Blow YOUR MIND!!!
(285 & 78 East / I- 20 East)
ComE HavE SomE Fun With Me On This Freaky Friday_____OOh W3T Pu$$y Special 70 - 21
* *~* iNcalLs IR rESISTI bLE $70 * = * 00*~* *
(lax southbay venice culver marina s moni)
I am Sooo Thirsty &Could; Use A MilkShake or2 or3!! 4$175XXX-tra Innings Incld. Scottsdale& - 33
I LOVE being SUBMISSIVE, Tits, Tits, & MORE Tits & Tight ASS! I love fun Fantasy FETISH'S - 23
-~* ELECTRIFYING~* ..sensual NAUGHY & NUDE *~- playmate -~* 818 - 398 - 2262 - 37
(Woodland Hs/Canoga Pk CA)
I N C A L L ^^ I'M HERE & Available... 60 Q / 100Hh .. (48' booty) t.e.r reviewed - 26
I___ D__O ___ *V___I___P_* ___G__F__E __*__ B__E__S__ T__*__ Y__O___U__ *__E__V__ E___R___ *H__A__D - 24
I Grind For The Almighty Bill ..... The Sweetest Girl ....... My Place TONIGHT GGE - $100.00/h - 46
(19th Ave. & Camelback)
I Got New Phone Number-!! ★ Asian PlayboyModel Visiting! ★ Aug/2~ Limitted TimeOnly-! - 22
(N. Scottsdale)
I ALWAYS go beyond the eXXXtra MILE to make You SMILE! /// the ultimate GFE reviews./// - 23
* *~ ~* *_______ HOT GFE OUTCALL AVAILABLE NOW!! _______ * * ~ ~ * *Brazilian & Asian Party Girl - 22
I'm HOTT In The Right SPOT & TIGHT In ALL The Right Places! ( Busty GFE CoCkTail SERVER !) - 23
(( Gorgeous)) ASIAN BEAUTY (( 4 mature older men)) 100% REAL AND RECENT PHOTOS (( its me !!!)) - 21
(♥ In Between The Sheets)
SPINNER~ Very Real 100% GFE,..ok ~Everything goes ~ Blonde Hair Blue Eyes ........ - 22
(Perimeter Area / Chamblee Dunwoody)
~~~ Specials this week! Passionate Natural Woman Wants to Satisy You! OUTCALL only today!~~~ - 38
(Metro Atlanta)
Beautiful Curvy Latina BBW - 40DD- 💋👑😘 60$ special INCALLS ONLY!!! call now! - 24
(San Fernando Valley, Sherman Oaks/ Van Nuys / The Valley)
Specials ~~~(( Ms.Unique ))~~~Very Sexy n Thick n The Right Spots~~~~ (Specials) - 21
(your personal)) NASTY nasty NASTY nasty NASTY nasty NASTY lil Freak w/ ( . )( . ) 36DD's
(24 & briley)
Special Papi All Natural Dynamite Barbie Ready To explode oOo Specials - 23
(Perimeter/Dunwoody InCall)
Did You Eat Your Wheaties? Sexy BBW Will Give You A Workout - 40
(Cave Creek & Cactus or Your Place)
Do You Wanna Put Your Sausage In This Bun?! ($100 Eye-Opener Specials!! ) 100% GFE SATISFACTION !!! - 23
Simply the best and reasonable GFE Treatment :Mature fun Lots of good reviews 25 ( I 60-Higley )
(East Valley)
FREAK ALRT !!! (¯`·.·´¯) SXY (¯`·.·´¯) (¯`·.·´¯) FREAK (¯`·.·´¯) G F E °♥° DOCTOR - 18
(105 frwy imperial hwy)
PARIS Hot Blonde!! will be out of town thur,fri,and sat. SPECIALS today!!! Come get me now guys!! - 27
(nashville and surrounding)
Fantasies? Role Playing?Busty Brunette w/Rockin' Body* {gfe deluxe!**is the One for You!*** - 35
(West Hollywood; near Sunset Plaza)
F A T_J U I C Y_B O O T Y_F A T_J U I C Y_C O O C H I E_GFE_ s p e c i a l s - 22
(405 exit roscoe north hills van nuys)
* * * * * 5 STAR GFE!!! Meet Jillian... TER REVIEWED Costa Rican Nympho!!!! * * * * * - 21
(Burbank Incall)
~ SeXy YoUnG FrEaK U GoTtA MEET **** Ms.Motivation ~ UPsCaLe ~ FlexAble~ I Do WhaTeva U WanT ~
(marietta /smryna/ Downtown)
❤️GFE❤️ Blonde Dream✅Incall Murfreesboro / Outcall ✅ Independent ✅ Highly-reviewed ✅ Highly addictive - 26
(Nashville, nashville brentwood Murfreesboro & more)
Full Body Sensual Massage; A Classy Woman's Touch~Sensual, Sexy, Mature BiRacial Beauty - 39
(Nashville {Outcall})
*¨¨*·-:¦:-·* __B __ R__E__A __ T__H __T__A __K__I __N __G __*·-:¦:-·*¨¨* - 24
(O/C On time & Alone!)
★ Available 24/7 ★ $ 80 I/C $120 O/C ★ ◄ Call Me ► ★ - 21
(MeSa InCalls & OutCalls All Over Baby!!!)
cute gfe independent blonde..... ..... .... ....... .... .... ..... .... ..... ..... honest and fun
(outcalls only)
💖Sexy💖 Exotic 💖Thick Everything You Can Ask For💖 Outcalls Only 👀👀 50spls LAST NITE HERE - 22
(Otp South, outcalls only all over Atlanta)
-:¦:- CoME -:¦:- PLaY -:¦:- WiTH -:¦:- ThE -:¦:- gFe -:¦:- iN -:¦:- Me -:¦:- Now -:¦:- Im-:¦:- Waiti - 21
SEXY East india and EBONY model looking to play all day and night offers GFE and more - 18
80 Special Cum End Your Night with Sweet Dreams of Erotic Fun that You just Experienced! - 22
(West Phoenix Avondale Goodyear)